PyTest: Create a test report

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PyTest: Create a test report

How To

To create a PyTest test report, you need to export it to JUnit XML file and then have a tool which can render that JUnit XML file. I chose for a plugin called junit2html to render the XML file to an HTML file.

Create a JUnit XML report file

Run PyTest from the target project venv (i.e. using Poetry): poetry run pytest -v -s --junit-xml=report.xml | tee log_for_testers.log

This command also export the terminal log to a log-file for further debugging. Note that the -v -s parameters are optional.

Render the HTML report

  1. Make sure that the junit2html package is installed (as dev dependency)
  2. Run the renderer: python -m junit2htmlreport path/to/report/report.xml
  3. Open te HTML report, which is created in the target folder where the report.xml also resides
