Codespaces: Preview GitHub Pages

Personal GitHub site

Codespaces: Preview GitHub Pages

GitHub Codespaces allows for using an IDE like VSCode in the web browser in a Virtual Machine (VM), hosted by and integrated with GitHub.

To locally preview GitHub Pages, you’d need Jekyll and Ruby. However, using Codespaces, you can simply start up the VM with a preset of Jekyll and Ruby installs to preview your pages wherever and whenever.

How To

The following steps allow you to preview GitHub Pages in Codespaces:

  1. With a already-created GitHub repository open in your web browser, click on Code -> Codespaces and launch a (new) instance
  2. In the Codespaces instance, open the terminal and clone the vscode devcontainers repo: git clone
  3. Using the file browser on the left (assuming VS Code is used):
    1. Select the /images/src/jekyll/.devcontainer/ folder and copy-paste it into the root of your own Repository (root of the file browser)
    2. Delete the folder /vscode-dev-containers/ since this its contents are no longer needed
  4. In /.devcontainer/devcontainer.json, set the value of "remoteUser" to "root"
  5. Push the newly created /.devcontainer/ changes to the origin to make sure Codespaces can build with the new container
  6. Rebuild or restart your Codespaces instance (on start-up it will install the required packages)
  7. To run:
    • If your Jekyll project contains a Gemfile in the root folder, the development container will install all gems at startup by running bundle install. This is the recommended approach as it allows you to specify the exact Jekyll version your project requires and list all additional Jekyll plugins.
    • If there’s no Gemfile, the development container will install Jekyll automatically, picking the latest version. You might need to manually install the other dependencies your project relies on, including all relevant Jekyll plugins.

      Refer to this guide for more details.

  8. Serve the Jekyll site locally: bundle exec jekyll serve.

    This command expects a Gemfile to be present. If it’s not present:

    1. Initialize an empty Gemfile: bundle init
    2. Add gem "github-pages", "~> GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION", group: :jekyll_plugins to the Gemfile
    3. Replace GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION with the latest supported version of the github-pages gem. You can find this version at Dependency versions.
    4. Install the Gemfile: bundle install
    5. Serve the website using the command given earlier: bundle exec jekyll serve
  9. Open the newly added PORTS tab next to your terminal: open the link at port 4000 to view the website
