Pre-commit: how to configure and use

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Pre-commit: how to configure and use

Pre-commit hooks allow you to run certain checks prior to committing your code to your git repository. This can range from whitespace removal to validating your dependencies. Although pre-commit itself runs in Python, it can be used for any programming language.

How To

Configure pre-commit

Assuming you installed pre-commit as described in the pre-commit docs, you can configure your pre-commit hooks as follows:

  1. If there’s no pre-existing .pre-commit-config.yaml file in your repository, you can create a sample file using pre-commit sample-config
  2. To automatically run pre-commit when calling git commit, run pre-commit install

Use a non-default pre-commit file

If you need to run pre-commit using a different configuration file than your default configuration in .pre-commit-config.yaml:

  1. Create a new, differently named pre-commit configuration file, i.e. .usr_pre-commit-config.yaml
  2. An example of a fleshed out configuration file which includes formatting checks and dependency file checks
    # See for more information
    # See for more hooks
    fail_fast: false # Set to true to have pre-commit stop running hooks after the first failure.
    exclude: ^docs/ # Exclude docs/ folder
       # List all files the checks are run on (useful in CI/CD pipelines)
       - repo: meta
             - id: identity
       # Some standard, useful hooks
       - repo:
          rev: v4.2.0
             - id: end-of-file-fixer
             - id: trailing-whitespace
       # Find and remove unused import statements
       - repo:
          rev: v1.3.3
             - id: pycln
             args: [--all]
       # Sort and categorize your import statements
       - repo:
          rev: "5.10.1"
             - id: isort
       # Analyzes the code and raises errors where needed
       - repo:
          rev: 4.0.1
             - id: flake8
                - flake8-annotations==2.9.0
                - flake8-broken-line==0.4.0
                - flake8-bugbear==22.4.25
                - flake8-comprehensions==3.10.0
                - flake8-eradicate==1.2.1
                - flake8-simplify==0.19.2
                - flake8-use-fstring==1.3
                - pep8-naming==0.13.0
                - flake8-rst-docstrings==0.2.6
                - darglint==1.8.1
       # Static type checker
       - repo: local # Set to local to make sure it runs in the current venv
             - id: pyright
             name: pyright
             entry: pyright
             language: node
             pass_filenames: true # true; run only on staged files in commit
             types: [python]
             additional_dependencies: ['pyright@1.1.273']
       # Python dependency manager: validate and lock your dependencies
       - repo:
          rev: '1.2.2'  # add version here
             - id: poetry-check
             - id: poetry-lock
             args: ["--check"]
  3. Run pre-commit with this non-default configuration file by using pre-commit run --config path/to/.usr_pre-commit-config.yaml

Further usage

The following are some examples of further usage.
